Scott’s Cleaning Services is proud to call Redlands, Ca. home, and it is our goal to see that your home remains clean and free of germs and toxins. You won’t always see it, but daily traffic on your carpets leaves behind dirt and grime that, when it builds up, could leave a lasting effect on your health. Vacuuming helps, but it doesn’t necessarily remove everything. Daily wear and tear, along with spills and stains, can lead to permanent damage of your carpet fibers. Not having your carpets regularly cleaned also increases allergens in your home since your carpets will trap dirt, dust, and pet dander.

Our professionally-trained cleaning technicians are here to walk you through every step of the cleaning process, from the initial inspection to pre-spray and spotting, to our speedy drying service so your daily routine is not interrupted. Our truck-mount water extraction method is designed to encapsulate and suspend dirt before we remove it, and there’s little interference with your furniture. We’ll get to high and low traffic areas on any room of your house, so the carpet looks even and clean all over. Scott’s Cleaning Services will transform your dirty carpets into something you can be proud of!

For a free home consultation and demonstration of our residential carpet services, call on us at 1-888-834-2021 to meet with one of our professional technicians.

We’ll help you get your carpet bright and clean. All you have to do is Make The Appointment!



At this time, we will do a walkthrough of your home with you, taking note of your areas of concern. I will tell you which spots you can expect to come out and which ones may be permanent.

FURNITURE MOVINGmovinf-furniture

We will move a couple pieces for you at no charge. Large items such as: beds, dressers, and televisions will not be moved. Please have these items moved prior to our arrival if you would like them cleaned underneath. In general, large pieces that have never been moved aren’t subjected to regular foot traffic, so a simple vacuuming would do just fine.

SET UPtruck-setup

Once we have your approval to get started, we’ll place moving blankets to protect your hard surface flooring from any equipment we bring into your home. At this time, corner guards will be placed to protect your walls from any of the hoses we use during the cleaning process.


We will apply a pre-spray solution to all areas of your carpeting that are going to be cleaned. This solution loosens the soils away from the fibers, allowing them to be flushed away.This safe solution takes care of nearly all of the soiling and spots on your carpet. Any remaining spots will be treated once this step is complete.


Depending on the soil level of your home, we may use a carpet groomer or rotary machine to help further loosen the soil from your carpets.


Once the pre-treatment is allowed proper dwell time, your carpet is rinsed with de-ionized water. This water is so pure that it has no minerals left, leaving your carpets softer than ever before. This is very important, as we never use any detergents through our machine that will cause rapid re-soiling.

POST SPOT TREATMENT carpet-stain-removal

Any spots that didn’t come out during our normal cleaning procedure will be taken care of at this time. Most of these spots will be from an artificial dye such as Kool-Aid. There is a small additional charge for removing these spots. Please note that they are sometimes permanent.


Your carpeting will be groomed to remove any wand markings and also to promote faster drying. Typical drying time is about 3 hours.


We will do a walkthrough of your home with you to ensure your complete satisfaction.